Men and women on the sex offender registry know they’re supposed to avoid areas where children are, but the local sheriff wants to be sure that’s top of mind now that the Cleveland County Fair has opened. Full Article
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He’s talking about those on probation or parole, right? If not, then this is a solution WITHOUT a problem. What a friggin joke. What about convicted drug dealers? What if they have 2 drug convictions? They’re ok to come on in??
My question is this for all sex offenders or just ones on probation or parole? If its for everyone, no matter how long ago their conviction is, how is this not banishment and thus punishment? This Sheriff’s asinine logic that kids will be there so he wants to keep it a family environment pretty much covers ANY place in the city (malls, theaters, etc.) because children and families will potentially be there. I personally think anyone on the registry regardless the color of their skin knows exactly how it must have felt in the Jim Crow days, or even Nazi Germany to a certain extent.
Good thing this “big fish in a small pond” Sheriff is letting everyone know he means business. According to 2017 US Census Bureau data, Cleveland County, NC has a population of 97,334 and the county seat, Shelby, has a population of 20,018.
So tell me mister big, bad lawman, how exactly will you figure out if any RCs from outside your “fear-isdiction” are wandering in? I suppose you can track whatever handful you have in county or nearby, but what if someone pops off the nearby Interstates and swings in for an Elephant Ear or Corn Dog? You’re going to know?!? Righhhht….
Go back to your hole, tough guy. Go back to your donuts. The world is safer without your type “fixing” things.
For the people too lazy to look up their statutes G.S. 14-208.18 Page 1 § 14-208.18. (See Editor’s note for contingent expiration date) Sex offender unlawfully on premises. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person required to register under this Article, if the offense requiring registration is described in subsection (c) of this section, to knowingly be at any of the following locations: 4) On the State Fairgrounds during the period of time each year that the State Fair is conducted, on the Western North Carolina Agricultural Center grounds during the period of time each year that the North Carolina Mountain State Fair is conducted, and on any other fairgrounds during the period of time that an agricultural fair is being conducted.
And section (c) referenced above. (c) The subdivisions of subsection (a) of this section are applicable as follows: (1) Subdivisions (1), (3), and (4) of subsection (a) of this section apply to persons required to register under this Article who have committed any of the following offenses: a. Any offense in Article 7B of this Chapter or any federal offense or offense committed in another state, which if committed in this State, is substantially similar to an offense in Article 7B of this Chapter. b. Any offense where the victim of the offense was under the age of 18 years at the time of the offense.
There it is again, in the last sentence: All RCs are Predators!
Good Day All,
Well, here we go again with NC. A state so backwards in its RSO rules/regs that it continually finds itself on the arse end of victorious lawsuits on the part of the aggrieved.
Yes, this “Barney Fife” Sheriff probably is in need of a few new cars, maybe some tazers and some haircuts. So, he does this to show the “proactive” approach and that “in order to enforce NC laws, he needs more equipment” kinda thing. Then he gets approved for a grant or direct money from the State because he appears to be protecting families. And, ladies and gentlemen in the bedrock community from which he protects, what in the eyes and minds of the local community could be more important? (Allegedly).
Yes, this Podunk sheriff has got nothing better to do. But, once again until the law is challenged and changed it’s tough luck for the RSO’s and “Those required to register” in NC. At the risk of being flamed, just keep away from the Fair and this sheriff and his band of goons with their myopic fixation. I mean, just don’t go the fair!!! Is going really so important if an RC or other under a similar umbrella runs the risk of this idiot going on the news saying “aha!!! We got one!!!” ?????????
So, friggin boycott the fair!!! We are over a million strong. Why cant we all form our own list of businesses and locations and entities that WE choose to boycott and not do business with? Kind of like an RSO Yelp of all the places that are like this. Who give a *hit about the County Agricultural Fair? I don’t care to be stepping in Sheep *hit and stuffing my face with Funnel Cakes. Got better things to do with my time. But that’s just me.
Yes, it’s “unfair”. But sometimes we have to pick and choose our battles. Also, we all have to recognize the idiot that this sheriff is. But he is RIGHT. We don’t have to like it, but the Statute is CLEAR. So, Beufort T. Pusser gets to have his little plaque on his desk, The “good citizens” of his county get to have a perception of safety. Meanwhile methamphetamines’ and opiates decimate this “fine little community”.
Guaranteed half the no-tell-motels in that county during the Fair are filled with “providers” eager to satisfy their traffickers and the local sheriff. Sad and probably the case. (ROFL)
Cheers and be well all.
They are out of their collective and individual minds. So I did not hear the penalty? Sure does not seem like any other person, criminal or otherwise, will get arrested for being on public grounds during a taxpayer (ex-offender) funded fair.
These laws basically state that the gov can tell anyone who commits any infraction (i.e. even jay walking or littering), from any amount of time ago, can be banned from any place the gov states for public safety.
Ex. jaywalker-rational-could cause cars drive off the road and kill a kid, littering-rational-kid could trip over break their head open.
Actual events of these incidents or any data unnecessary as long as the gov states, “public safety” for the rationality.
Not many comments at the actual article. Looks like no one cares much.
This sheriff is a pandering idiot. I find it hard to believe that he is so dumb to think these actions would make any difference at all. But he looks dumb enough.
I’ve been kicked off of this sheriff department’s Facebook page many times. They are a criminal operation that tries to silence dissent and critics. Pure criminals.
Thank you sheriff for the heads up! Now we know Where you will be!! So your bad bad predator sex offenders can be in other places to harm children. And you are at a fair having fun. On tax payer money! WOW!!! Hey people of NC! This sheriff only cares about a fair. Not his NC state. But just a fair where you have millions of eyes too see if a child could be in danger. So too make this a-hole sheriff have a great time at this fair. He dont want sex offenders there! That could cause him to work harder! Why you ask yourself cause this piece of crap dont know all the sex offenders who could just walk in. So this dump of s#it sheriff told all sex offenders where we will be. So new sex offenders can be else where! To harm different children. Even if that fool is not at the fair he could not watch all the people.too know who is on a list!! I was at hundreds of fairs in the past! No one knew me! I been on this S$$ list for 30 years and dont care!!!!!! Never stopped me on what i want to do or work or to have fun. If i drove down to that A-hole sheriff and walk up too him shake hands with him at that fair that fool would never know i was a sex offender I would tell him i think you doing a great job!!!$ telling the sex offenders to keep away!!!!!!! It is so dumb that cops think this! And the government too
I guarantee you that Sheriff would run and hide should a mass shooting break out at that fair he’s attempting to make “family friendly” and a safe haven for children.
Hmmm.🤔 Maybe someone should investigate Sheriff Foxy Funderburke*. I think he “doth protest too much” and may have some skeletons in his own backyard.
*Google it.
Well, since the mandated registry is currently ruled as “regulatory”, this public servant is abusing his power by using this to restrict the liberties of registered persons, punitively. Being that he is using the registry for the purpose other than to regulate, he can be sued all the way to the top. Easily.
“For all of you who think the sheriff is the source of this you need to look at the statutes.” Yep. Fight the statute (even though the Sheriff is an idiot up-for-re-election moron).
“The bad news is several years ago there were 3 Sex Offenders caught at the fair. One was an NC local and the other 2 were carny’s working at the fair.” Did any of them commit a sex offense at the fair?
For those who are following this situation, the NCRSOL office has filed suit in this matter and can be read about here:
I personally could give a rat’s ass about going to a county fair. They’re nothing but a bunch of con artists looking to get all your money. But I certainly understand if others want to go. But the point is that this ban does absolutely nothing to protect children and I don’t understand why its only the registered citizens who see that crap like this is stupid. No one cares who someone else is until they find out they’re a convicted SO. An example being I’ve had neighbors who thought I was a really great guy. Always kind, polite, and helpful. Always there to give them a hand when needed until they found out I was on the registry. Then all of a sudden I was the worst person on earth. Frankly I don;t care because I only look out for myself now and could care less about anyone else except others in my circumstance.
Laws and bans like this need to be shot down otherwise its only going to get worse. What’s next? Laws banning registrants from going to the grocery store because there might be children there? Can’t go to a retail store to buy a new pair of shoes because there might be children there? Can’t go to a professional sporting event to watch a game because there might be children there? I think eventually they want to make laws where its illegal to go outside of our homes because “there might be children outside”. I am so sick and tired of people being made to believe that all registrants are the same’ that we’re all just waiting for the right opportunity to snatch up a little girl and rape her.
All I want to do is live my life. Let me go to work and go home and go wherever I want and leave me the hell alone. I don;t care about your damn children and I have no interest in them. If you’re so concerned for their safety then maybe you should escort them wherever they go.
Thank god rc’s are the only threat at the fair. Oh wait……
And then of course media portrays one who has been arrested at the fair:
so apparently drug dealers are allowed at the fair.